Urbie Derby


A secret Star-League cache has been discovered on a remote periphery world. The Great Houses, Periphery Realms, Clans, ComStar and Mercenaries despatch their elite MechWarriors. Combat dropping onto the base, these crack forces mission is to recover the Star League Macguffin and destroy all opposition.


Game Setup

Choose a 16×17 map sheet (e.g. Forward Base). Place the Star League Macguffin token on the map.

Each player is assigned their UrbanMech UMR-60. MechWarriors are elite and have Piloting 3, Gunnery 2


At the start of turn 1 each UrbanMechWarrior writes down in secret the hex they will combat drop on. During the movement phase each play places their UrbanMech at Altitude 3 on the Map.

While dropping UrbanMechs can attack targets at a +3 modifier for Jumping. Attacks against UrbanMechs that are dropping are at a +5 modifier.

If an UrbanMech takes 20+ damage or has another reason for making a piloting roll and fails, they then scatter and fall. It a pilot in knocked out in the drop the UrbanMech hits the ground at terminal velocity and is destroyed.

In the end phase of the turn, the UrbanMechs defend 3 altitudes and land. Each must make a Piloting Skill Roll. If they succeed they land in the intended hex. If they fail they scatter 1d6 hexes and fall a number of levels equal to the margin of failure.

If two UrbanMechs both combat drop into the same hex, they land in order of lowest initiative first, then the next UrbanMech falls on the first suing the accidental falls from above rules, this may occur several times if more than 2 UrbanMechs land in the same hex.


If an UrbanMech finishes a turn in the hex containing the Star League macguffin, it picks up the item (How? It’s go no arms! Details…Details…. suction cup grappler?).

If an UrbanMech has the macguffin at the end of a turn the score 1 point. Each UrbanMech destroyed (Urbieside) aways 1 point to the player who destroyed the unit (or the last UrbanMech to fire on the target).

If an UrbanMech falls, the macguffin is dropped 1 hex away in the direction of the fall.

If a players UrbanMech is destroyed they may re-spawn (Re-Urban?)at the start of the next turn and combat drop into the fray!


The player who achieves the most UrbieObjectives before their UrbanMech is destroyed wins. Each time an UrbanMech is destroyed their score resets to 0 (but they record their highest score).

Optional Rules

Random Variant – Players are assigned a random UrbanMech varient from a pre-made pile of sheets. Each varient will have MechWarriors with a different skill to balance the BV.

UnitVarientSkill (G/P)BV
UrbanMechUM-R60 2/3847
UrbanMechUM-R60L 2/2827
UrbanMechUM-R63 2/4832
UrbanMechUM-R68 3/3808
UrbanMechUM-R69 3/3848
UrbanMechUM-R70 3/5869
UrbanMech IIC2 4/5855
UrbanMech IIC 4/5798
UrbanMechUM-AIV 3/4796
UrbanMechUM-R80 4/4802
UrbanMechUM-R27 3/4805
UrbanMechUM-R96 4/5852
UrbanMechUM-R93 4/6849

Initiative Deck – Take two suits of cards from the initiative deck. Give the each player one card from one suit and then place the matching numbered card in the initiative pile. Shuffle the initiative pile and deal out the cards, the first car is the lowest initiative, the last card is the highest initiative. this works well in large multilayer derbies. If needed add another two suits of cards.

Glow in the dark Urbie – Include in the variants an UrbanMech UM-AIV loaded with Davy Crocket Tactical Nuclear Weapons… go-on! You know you want to….

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