Turning Point Booker

Carthago Delenda Est

  • Dropship Liburna
  • Booker III
  • Canopian space
  • 09:32 am, February 9, 3152

“Attention, prepare for drop,” declared the artificial voice of the Leopard’s systems. Sitting in the cockpit of her Rifleman, Centurion Alessia Konstanz fought the urge to throw up. It was ridiculous, honestly, how even now her anxieties plagued her. Her! A centurion of the II Maniple of the Cohort Prima! 

On February 4, 3152, the Marian Hegemony, VI Legio, launched a second invasion of the Magistracy of Canopus using the occupied formerly non-aligned world of Thraxa as a staging post, once again targeting Gambilon and Martha, and the world of Booker III.

The world of Booker III was defended by the First Magistracy Highlander’s First Battalion under Colonel Jacob Kennedy.  As Marian JumpShips appeared at a pirate point in close proximity to Booker III, Kennedy had little warning as the DropShips from the VI Legios veteran Prima and Tertia Cohors dropped on to the planet, targeting the First Battalions Forward Operating Base.  In a brutal fight, where no mercy was given, the forces of the Highlanders 1st Battalion were destroyed to the last ‘Mech. Prefect Dominic Brinkman, of Prima Cohor, was reported to have delivered the coup de grace to Colonel Jacob Kennedy’s downed Victor BattleMech, driving the gladius held by his modified Atlas, through the head of the Victor.

Turning Point Booker is a campaign resource which can be used with a variety of different BattleTech and AlphaStrike products to play either as a campaign or set piece scenarios. Players can select the rules that they wish to use in playing to reflect the level of complexity they want.

This supplement details the forces available to the Marian Hegemony and Magistracy of Canopus, the locations on Booker, a planetary map, and extended Map Based Campaign rules.

A full Table of Ordinance and Equipment for each faction can be found in the Supplementary document.  Players may use this, or they may generate their own forces (either randomly or by choice using BV).

Credits Lead Writer/Designer: Stuart ”StrategosLevel3”
Map Art: George
Editors: BattleTech UK Southeast, Richard, Simon “Landmine”
Fiction: Lukasz Furmaniak
Cover: FleetfootMike/Mill House Studios Ltd
A BattleTech UK Southeast production
Cover Background: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA With thanks to: Michael Ciaravella and Philip A. Lee and the team for writing Empire Alone Sarna.net –  the best wiki on the web! CamoSpecs Online – camo schemes and miniatures images MegaMek.org – used in production of record sheets and custom builds
This document is produced under creative commons licence and is not affiliated or endorsed by Catalyst Games Labs or Topps.

Additional Downloads

Forces (ZIP) (Including full record sheets and MegaMek Files)

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